Online Certification Workshops

Spring Discount: 25% Off
Free Lifetime Workshop Updates

Special Pricing (Pre-recorded): regularly $300 now 25% off—$225. Enroll here.

Why Take this Course?

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to increase sales on a cost-per-sale or lead basis.

Many companies enjoy a hefty 10-30% of sales and a 12:1 return on ad spend ratio. Of the 96% of brands with affiliate programs, 54% earn an incredible 30% of sales through affiliate partners. Amazingly, 80% of companies have programs.

You don’t have to be a Fortune 100 company to enjoy the benefits of affiliate marketing. Even small to mid-sized companies can be successful at it and enjoy the phenomenal return on ad spend.

This workshop helps you learn affiliate marketing methods that stretch marketing budgets, increase both sales and profits and develop a valuable, recession-proof skill set that easily transfers across industries. Topics covered include:

  • Busted misconceptions and myths.
  • Common pitfalls and typical reasons programs fail.
  • Soup-to-nuts affiliate program set up process with screen shots.
  • Choices in channel options.
  • Case studies of successful programs.
  • Trends to watch and follow.

(Can’t attend the live workshop? No problem. All workshops are recorded, and we’ll send you the recording, workbook, and any supplementary materials within a day of completion after we’ve had time to edit the recording.)

Workshop date and time:

How to Add Pay-for-Performance Affiliate Marketing to Your Mix.

Special Pricing (Pre-recorded): regularly $300 now 25% off—$225. Enroll here.


This course helps you get over the initial hump to grasp the basics and reprimes the pump for those disappointed by previous efforts. At the conclusion, students will know what it takes to get started and succeed.

  • Be inspired by methods used in case studies of successful affiliate programs.
  • Learn benefits and drawbacks of software, third-party networks, and self-hosted programs.
  • See step-by-step program creation examples on which to model agreements, sign-up pages, FAQs and more.
  • Find out what creative assets to collect and create.
  • Understand why affiliate programs fail and what it takes to succeed.
  • View what to expect and how to interpret an affiliate program dashboard.
  • Consider why you should become an affiliate.
  • Get tips by industry experts for finding and recruiting affiliate partners.

Key Takeaways:

Why you should add affiliate marketing to your marketing strategy:

  1. Defining affiliate marketing:
    1. What it is.
    2. What it is not.
  2. Clarifying terms to know:
    1. Affiliate program.
    2. Advertiser/Merchant.
    3. Affiliate/Publisher.
    4. Affiliate network.
      1. ShareASale.
      2. CJ Affiliate.
  3. Affiliate software.
  4. EPC—Effective Cost per Click.
  5. Common mistakes:
    1. Managing expectations.
    2. Planning as part of the marketing mix.
    3. Setting and forgetting.
    4. Payout and incentives.
    5. Time to recruit, activate and optimize.
    6. Maximizing internal teams for opportunities.
  6. Competitor analysis of choices, offers and activities.
  7. Various methods available to advertisers:
    1. Display ads and text links.
    2. PPC.
    3. Email.
    4. Content (Bloggers, Podcasters, Influencers).
    5. Coupon and discounts.
    6. Cashback & loyalty.
    7. Technology.
  8. How to set up a program:
    1. Choosing software and/or affiliate networks.
    2. Dashboard.
    3. Reporting.
    4. Program description.
    5. Parameters and terms.
    6. Products:
      1. Descriptions.
      2. Images (such as logos).
      3. Ads.
      4. Payout.
    7. Payment (credit card).
    8. Specifications for basic starter ad groups (Checklist).
  9. Running a program:
    1. Planning offers to affiliates, such as coupons, discounts and payout tiers.
    2. Recruiting affiliates.
    3. Approval: manual vs. automatic.
    4. Nurturing affiliates.
    5. Payments: timely.
  10. Join as an affiliate:
    1. View competitor programs and leaderboards.
    2. As additional income stream: synergistic products & services.
  11. Create referral and loyalty program to incentivize customers, affiliate partners.
  12. Outsource to an affiliate manager or agency.

How to Convince Your Boss Why You Should Take this Class:

  • Affiliate programs can be 100% revenue sharing, add 10%+ to sales and generate a 12:1 return on ad dollars (paid after sales and even returns). Affiliate programs kick up order value by 88% and increase conversions too.
  • Those new to affiliate marketing will learn types of affiliates, the latest in formats, options available, how to set up and run a program.
  • Current assets can be used, and current team members have the necessary skills. Once set up, an affiliate program requires easy routines to recruit, manage affiliates and campaigns.
  • Those with affiliate programs learn from detailed case studies of success, current trends in partners, recruitment, formats, and sophisticated payouts strategies.
  • Affiliate marketing today resists the taint from two decades ago. The industry patrols bad actors and attracts top media outlets today. Today’s protocols of the latest technology and alert affiliate network professionals remove concerns about fraud.

The Presentations:

  • The workshop is hands-on and practical.
  • The workshop is live so that you can ask your questions.
  • Can’t attend the live workshops? No problem! All workshops are recorded. If you have questions, you’re welcome to email the instructor.
  • Step-by-step instructions in numbered lists with the links so you can do this yourself.
  • Included are lots of illustrations and examples.

Download Material:

  • Recorded video of the presentation with slides and audio.
  • PDF of the complete PPT presentation.
  • Checklists: steps and assets to get started.
  • Report on how to persuade executives to start an affiliate marketing program.
  • Competitive analysis spreadsheet.


  • FREE PDF of the book, Rockin’ ROI: How to Bootstrap Ecommerce with Performance-based Marketing.
  • Spreadsheet templates that complement Rockin’ ROI.
  • “How to Get the Attention of Unresponsive Prospective Affiliates” (compilation of advice from affiliate industry experts).
  • “How to Get Your Target’s Attention” (advice to attract partners, affiliates, vendors and business prospects by the instructor).

Who is the course for?

  • Marketing Managers, Digital Marketing Managers, eCommerce Managers, or any Marketer who wants to stretch every ad dollar.
  • Beginners unfamiliar with affiliate marketing benefits and how to implement it.
  • Marketers who have tried affiliate marketing before and were discouraged by a previous attempt.
  • Marketers who think “affiliate” still has a bad reputation.
  • Marketers who think affiliate marketing is just about influencers.
  • Team members who need to convince managers to try affiliate marketing.
  • Marketers who want to advance their affiliate marketing program to the next level.

The Presenter:

Jan Carroza

Center for Direct Marketing

Author of Rockin’ ROI: How to Bootstrap Ecommerce with Performance-based Marketing (available on Amazon), Jan Carroza guides marketers to develop strategies and methods to efficiently meet campaign goals. An early adopter, she enjoys discovering new channels and methods, sharing new opportunities and ways to optimize efforts. Her multi-sided career spans agency, advertiser, audience research, media, mobile and privacy software experience.

While her background in multichannel campaign management began in traditional advertising (print, radio and TV), performance-based marketing inspires her in-house mentality to achieve the maximum return-on-investment. The ability to track response daily attracted her to infomercials in the mid-80s. She managed direct response TV campaigns until 1999 when she turned to provide digital response services, such as display, email and affiliate marketing.

As a trainer of customers, colleagues and coworkers in direct response, mobile and privacy SaaS solutions, Jan realizes the importance of education to earn trust and spark interest. Previous clients include: M&M Mars, Volvo, Time-Life, Soloflex, Blue Cross, Braun, Sears, Peninsula Hotels, Kemper Financial Services and American Express.

As an adjunct professor at Pepperdine University’s Malibu campus, Carroza taught Media Planning to upperclassmen with majors in PR, advertising and communications.

She has spoken to groups at retail, privacy and media conventions. Carroza earned her B.A. in Radio/TV at SIU/Edwardsville.


This workshop opened my eyes to the wonderful world of affiliate marketing!

Jennifer HeffernanDigital Marketing Manager at Danforth Pewter

Today’s workshop was helpful. It gave me new ideas on how to manage my company’s affiliate marketing program going forward.

Alexandra CampbellSocial Media Manager, StewMac

Good information and very informative!

McCall CampbellDirector of Sales, Hugger Mugger Yoga Products

This workshop provided great insight on how the big company’s structure their affiliate programs and how you can use those strategies to get started with your own.

Alexandra WrightMarketing Specialist at Design Imports
Affiliate Marketing Course: How to Add Pay-for-Performance Affiliate Marketing to Your Mix
Live Online, 15227 Perry Lane,Morgan Hill,California-95037
Starting on
October 26, 2022
Ending on
October 26, 2022
This workshop helps you tap into methods that stretch marketing budgets, increase both sales and profits and develop a valuable, recession-proof, skill set that easily transfers across industries.
Offer Price
USD 225