Building a Leadership Presence for Yourself and Others Through LinkedIn and More: A Masterclass.

Special Fall Pricing: Regularly $900 is now 50% off—$450. Enroll here.


Improving your positioning as a thought leader on LinkedIn and elsewhere is always a good idea and necessary in a competitive business environment. Increasingly, marketing professionals are being tasked with creating, growing, and managing personal brands and thought leader profiles for others, as well. That includes C-suite executives, clients, and even corporate entities.

There is a good reason for this effort. When done well, personal brands and thought leadership presence on LinkedIn and elsewhere help grow careers, attract investors, and can have a direct positive impact on sales for both B2B and B2C organizations. Happily for the marketers responsible for making this magic happen, LinkedIn has been around long enough to generate plenty of data about what works.

In this two-module course, instructor Kineta Kelsall will explain what that is and how to do it methodically and without stress. Even better, she’ll give you the confidence to create brand presences that soar above others and take you, your executive team, your clients, and your organizations to true thought leadership. We’ll delve into the art of rising above the noise, crafting influential opinion pieces that resonate, and establishing authentic connections with key figures in your client’s or your field.

In Module 1 of this 2-module course, we will uncover the intricacies of sculpting a compelling personal & thought leadership brand. We’ll review the six hallmarks of great thought leadership, explore the art of optimizing social media profiles on LinkedIn and elsewhere to boost discoverability, and discuss how to develop a tone of voice and brand identity.

Module 2 will focus on what kinds of content will create the most impact on your audience. This training session will explore the best practices for format selection and persuasive copywriting. We’ll review a methodical approach to successful content creation, tell you how to mix up your media, use hashtags, engage with others, and measure your results.

Module 1: Social Platforms Optimization & Personal and Thought Leadership Brand Planning


Module 1 explores the art of creating a robust social media Personal & Thought Leadership Brand. Here, we delve deep into the essential principles of crafting a captivating personal & thought leadership brand that resonates across various social media platforms.

Key Takeaways

Key takeaways:

  • Recognizing the importance of a personal brand on social media.
  • Demonstrate how to use LinkedIn and X (Twitter) as platforms for thought leadership.
  • Describe how to optimize social media profiles for discoverability, including personalized URLs, privacy settings, and profile best practices.
  • Build a connection strategy to engage with relevant audiences including tips on connecting with industry peers, influencers, journalists, and potential collaborators.
  • Explain how to maintain and strengthen relationships with existing connections over time.
  • Design a personal brand that cuts through the noise, including considerations for tone of voice, having a stance on topics that matter to you, and copying best practices.

Module 2: Building Your Personal & Thought Leadership Content Marketing Strategy


Module 2 shifts the focus to crafting an impactful content strategy tailored to social media audiences to become a Thought Leader.

Key Takeaways

In this class you’ll learn:

  • Develop goals for a personal brand content marketing strategy on social media.
  • Select appropriate tools to inform your thought leadership strategy.
  • Define and construct a content marketing strategy for a personal brand.
  • Develop both proactive and reactive content marketing strategies to reach and engage target audiences effectively.
  • Demonstrate understanding of various content formats such as articles, threads, posts, videos, documents, polls, and more.
  • Formulate, write, and design content—guidance on crafting compelling headlines, engaging captions, and designing eye-catching visuals.
  • Share content effectively within the social media ecosystem, including using hashtags, tagging relevant connections, and leveraging community Groups.
  • Develop a content engine to ensure consistency and relevance.
  • Formulate a measurement strategy to investigate the success of content efforts to make data-driven adjustments.
  • Compare personal brand strategies with best-in-class thought leaders.

How to Convince Your Boss Why You Should Take this Workshop

Investing in a personal branding course is a strategic move for marketers seeking to elevate thought leadership, whether it’s for themselves, their teams, or their clients. Beyond expanding a professional network and building trust, it’s an investment that can pave the way for long-term business success. By optimizing social profiles, crafting trend-led content strategies, and mastering the art of thought leadership to build trust, you can experience not only accelerated personal growth but it can also be impactful for you, your employer’s or your client’s long-term business goals

The Presentations

  • The workshops are hands-on and practical.
  • The workshops are live so that you can ask your questions. If the course doesn’t fit in your calendar, you can take the course as a recorded class.
  • Step-by-step instructions in numbered lists with the links so you can do this yourself.
  • Included are lots of illustrations and examples.

Download Material

  • Recorded video of the presentation with slides and audio.
  • PDF of the complete presentation plus any links shared.

Who is the course for?

  • In-house marketing teams who build employee advocacy programs.
  • Agency professionals responsible for managing the personal brands of clients.
  • Marketers aiming to elevate their personal brand.

The Presenter

Kineta Kelsall

Consultant, Social Media Trainer

With over 10 years of experience in integrating the realms of paid, owned, and earned social media, Kineta’s passion lies in understanding the psychology of human interactions. She delves into how people think, feel, and act online, firmly believing that true advertising impact happens when businesses connect with audiences on a profound level.

Throughout her career, she has collaborated with clients from diverse sectors: fintech, healthcare, gaming, technology, pharma, sport, food/beverage, and lifestyle. She has delivered global training and consultancy services for Google and Meta, where she obtained certifications in media buying, media planning, and lead training. Additionally, she actively contributes to the industry through press, TV, radio, and speaking engagements, as well as mentoring and volunteering in the education sector

Kineta knows social media! She effortlessly presents best practices and strategy tips while not overwhelming her audience.

Mary McGowanContent Marketing Manager, Unisys Corporation

Kineta was incredibly engaging and knew her stuff! I’d suggest this course to anyone looking at how to build and implement a brand with a track in thought leadership!

Kelsea SuarezMarketing Project Manager, Great Southern Bank

Kineta Kelsall provides a pragmatic, deep, and thorough coverage of the definition and value of thought leadership, tools to better identify and understand your audience, and ways to leverage social media to deliver value and reach your goals.

Ellen Grace HensonFractional CPO, Marketing Mechanics

This presentation was very relatable and actionable, and the presenter addressing attendees input and questions made it interactive. It’s a great master class.

Krystal DredgeMarketing Director, AVL Technologies

Workshop dates and times:


Module 1: Social Platforms Optimization & Personal and Thought Leadership Brand Planning
Wednesday, Oct 09, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m..

Module 2: Building your Personal & Thought Leadership Content Marketing Strategy.
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. PDT.

Building a Personal Brand Masterclass, 2-module Series
Live Online, 15227 Perry Lane,Morgan Hill,California-95037
Starting on
July 23, 2024
Ending on
July 23, 2024
We'll delve into the art of rising above the noise, crafting influential opinion pieces that resonate, and establishing authentic connections with key figures in your client’s or your field.
Offer Price
USD 450